Learning Resources


Chapters from these two texts, as well as relevant resources, will be referenced alongside each lecture, under the Lectures section.

We strongly recommend that you read these as the semester progresses, to help you understand the concepts and algorithms taught in class (note that the material of the class is a simplifid version of the book).


Piazza is intended for all announcements, general questions about the course, clarifications about assignments, student questions to each other, discussions about material, and so on.

We strongly encourage all students to participate in discussion, ask, and answer questions in class as well as through Piazza!


The class requirements include a set of homeworks at the end of each lecture. This will account as 20% of your grade. You’ll a present a project which involve to create a complete Qt application and will count as 50% of your grade. A final theoretical exam will test your understanding of Qt code and will count as 20%. The final 10% will reflect your behavior in class. Each absence will cause you 1 point from this grade.

Homework Assignments

At the end of each lecture, you’ll be assigned a coding homework. For each homework, you may work in groups of up to three students total. You’re advised to upload your code via github to keep a trace of achieved work.

Collaboration Policy

  • The purpose of student collaboration is to facilitate learning, not to circumvent it. Studying the material in groups is strongly encouraged. It is also allowed to seek help from other students in understanding the material needed to solve a particular homework problem, provided no written notes (including code) are shared, or are taken at that time, and provided learning is facilitated, not circumvented. The actual solution must be done by each student alone.