Date Lecture Topics Readings Homework
M 10/04 Lecture #1 :
Course Overview
[ slides | video | notes ]
  • Qt Library
  • Containers
  • Qmake
Feet Wet
M 10/11 Lecture #2 :
C++ Inheritance
[ slides | video | notes ]
  • Inheritance
  • Special keys
  • Drawbacks
HSLA Images
M 10/18 Lecture #3 :
Polymorphism and Abstraction
[ slides | video | notes ]
  • Pointers
  • virtual methods
  • Abstraction
Drawing shapes
M 10/25 Lecture #4 :
Widgets and Layouts
[ slides | video | notes ]
  • Qmake project
  • Basic Widgets
  • Layouts
Fun with Layouts
M 11/01 Lecture #5 :
Signals and Slots
[ slides | video | notes ]
  • Signals
  • Click events.
  • Mouse Events.
  • Timer events.
W 10/11 Lecture #6 :
Rapid Dialog Design
[ slides | video | notes ]
  • Qt Designer
  • Qdialogs
  • Custom Dialogs
  • Rapid Dialogs
Rapid Dialogs
M 11/15 Lecture #7 :
Creating main windows
[ slides | video | notes ]
  • QMainWindow
  • Menus
  • Actions
  • Status Bar
  • Dialogs
F 11/28 Lecture #8 :
Qt Widgets I
[ slides | video | notes ]
  • Widget zoology
  • Reading the documentation
  • Properties
  • Input Widgets
M 10/25 Lecture #9 :
Containers and the MVC Model
[ slides | video | notes ]
  • Model views
  • Containers
  • Item views
  • MVC
ToDo Application
W 01/05 Lecture #10 :
[ slides | video | notes ]
  • drawing objects
  • Shape transformation
  • Pens and Bruches
Colliding Mices