Recursive reconstruction of piecewise constant signals by minimization of an energy function
A. Belcaid, M. Douimi, and A. Fihri
Inverse Problems & Imaging, Apr 2018
The problem of denoising piecewise constant signals while preserving their jumps is a challenging problem that arises in many scientific areas. Several denoising algorithms exist such as total variation, convex relaxation, Markov random fields models, etc. The DPS algorithm is a combinatorial algorithm that excels the classical GNC in term of speed and SNR resistance. However, its running time slows down considerably for large signals. The main reason for this bottleneck is the size and the number of linear systems that need to be solved. We develop a recursive implementation of the DPS algorithm that uses the conditional independence, created by a confirmed discontinuity between two parts, to separate the reconstruction process of each part. Additionally, we propose an accelerated Cholesky solver which reduces the computational cost and memory usage. We evaluate the new implementation on a set of synthetic and real world examples to compare the quality of our solver. The results show a significant speed up, especially with a higher number of discontinuities.