Assignment #3 - Reinforcement Learning
Due Date: 23:59
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Reinforcement Learning Homework: Q-Learning with OpenAI Gym
The primary goal of this homework assignment is to gain hands-on experience with:
- OpenAI Gym environments
- Implementing basic reinforcement learning algorithms
- Specifically focusing on Value Iteration and Q-Learning techniques
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a machine learning approach where an agent learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment. The key components include:
- Agent: The decision-maker
- Environment: The world in which the agent operates
- Actions: Possible moves the agent can make
- States: Different situations the agent can be in
- Rewards: Feedback mechanism to guide learning
Setup Requirements
- Python 3.7+
- NumPy
- OpenAI Gym
- Matplotlib (for visualization)
pip install gym numpy matplotlib
Assignment Components
Part 1: Environment Exploration
- Choose an OpenAI Gym environment (recommended: CartPole-v1 or FrozenLake-v1)
- Implement functions to:
- Initialize the environment
- Render the environment
- Understand state and action spaces
Part 2: Value Iteration
- Implement the Value Iteration algorithm
- Key steps:
- Initialize value function
- Iteratively update value estimates
- Compute optimal policy
- Convergence criteria and maximum iterations
Part 3: Q-Learning Implementation
- Develop a Q-Learning algorithm
- Core implementation requirements:
- Q-table initialization
- Epsilon-greedy action selection
- Q-value update rule
- Learning rate and discount factor exploration
- Commented Python script with implementations
- Visualization of learning progress
- Short report explaining:
- Algorithm details
- Performance analysis
- Challenges encountered
Evaluation Criteria
- Correct implementation of algorithms
- Code readability and documentation
- Visualization of learning process
- Understanding of RL concepts demonstrated
Bonus Challenges
- Experiment with different exploration strategies
- Compare performance across multiple environments
- Implement function approximation for Q-Learning
Recommended Resources
- OpenAI Gym Documentation
- Sutton & Barto’s Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
- David Silver’s RL Course
Note: Focus on understanding the core concepts and iterative nature of reinforcement learning algorithms.