

Polymorphism is the ability for the same code to be used with different types of objects and behave differently with each.

Polymorphism on producing sounds for animals.

In C++ the behavior is achieved by:

  1. Templates which provides a compile-time polymorphism.
  2. Inheritance which provides a run-time polymorphism.

The main advantage is the

The client can call a method on different kind of objects, and the resulting behavior will be different.

Classical polymorphism example with shapes and squares.

Actual vs Declared type.

Now, we will present the mecanism of pointers in order to implement Polymorphsm. First let consider the basic example of a Person / Student heirarchy.

Simple Person Student Hierarchy.

And now let’s consider the example of constructing two objects using pointers.

// Creation of  person using a person pointer
Person * P1 = new Person("Person1", 391, "Euromed");

//Creating a Student using a Student person
Student * P2 = new Student("Person2", 391, "Euromed", "CS", 4);

//More intersting  
Person *P3 = new Student("Person3", 391, "Euromed", "Mech", 5);

The last example, show an intersting concept which allows a base class pointer to point on derived class.

with this system, you can only use the methods and attributs on the bae class.

Let’s code the diagram and execute the code. Here is the code for the person class:

//Class Person
class Person
/* private: */
    int id;
    string name;
    string address;

    Person(string , int , string);
    virtual void displayProfile()const;

Person::Person(string name, int id, string address):name(name),id(id),address(address)
void Person::displayProfile()const
    cout << string(40, '-') << endl;
    cout << "ID: " << id << " Name: " << name << " " <<  address << endl;
    cout << string(40, '-') << endl;

And here is the code for the Student class:

// Class Student
class Student: public Person{
        int num_courses;
        string major;

        Student(string name, int id, string address, string major, int num_courses);
        void displayProfile()const override;

Student::Student(string name, int id, string address, string major, int num_cours):Person(name, id, address),major(major),num_courses(num_cours)

void Student::displayProfile()const

    cout << string(40, '-') << endl;
    cout << "ID: " << id << " Name: " << name << " " <<  address << endl;
    cout << "Major :" << major << "\t num courses: " << num_courses << endl;
    cout << string(40, '-') << endl;

With this example, what will be the output of the following line:

//More intersting  
Person *P3 = new Student("Person3", 391, "Euromed", "Mech", 5);

To our big surprise, the line doesn’t show the major course and the number of courses. i.e the attributes of the Student class.

In order to solve the method, we should declare all the overridden methods as virtual.

virtual void displayProfile()const;  //delcared as virtual

In order to achieve a class pointer association, the compiler stores a Virtual table. The Vtable stores stores pointers to all the virtual functions.

  • The compiler create one table for each class.

Polymorphism Examples

Let’s practice the use of virtual methods with this simple example:

Single Inheritance Diagram.

For simplification, we will consider that each method will print the name of the class followed by the number.

For example the method1() of the class Frog will be like:

class Frog
virtual void method1(){
  cout << "Fog 1" << endl;

and method2 for the class Sleet will print:

class Sleet
  virtual void method2()
    cout << "Sleet 2" << endl;

A starter project to try these commands is in : snows.zip

Question 1:

What will be the output of the following code:

Snow* var1 = new Sleet();


Question 2:

What will be the output of the following code:

Snow* var2 = new Rain();


Question 3:

What will be the output of the following code:

Snow* var3 = new Rain();


Question 3:

What will be the output of the following code:

Sleet* var4 = new Fog();


An interesting question involves the two classical methods (constructor/destructor):

  1. Should the destructor be virtual?
  2. Should the constructor be virtual?

Try to think about this question before reading the explanation.

The destructor must be virtual in order to clean up the mess created by the subclass. Otherwise, we risk leaks in memory or resources!.

Let’s consider the following example in virtual_destructor.zip. The code declare two classes. The first one called Base is as follow:

class Base
        int * nums;
        Base(int n);

Base::Base(int n)
    nums = new int[n];

    delete [] nums;

We also use a derived class called Derived declared as follow:

class Derived : public Base{

    int * nums2;
    Derived(int n, int m);

Derived::Derived(int n, int m):Base(n)
    //opening the file
    nums2 = new int[m];

   delete [] nums2;

The code is correct as each destructor is in charge of freeing its own memory. Base delete nums1 and Derived deletes nums2.

Using your deep understanding of overloading methods, what will be the problem of the following code:

    //Creating a derived class using the Base pointer
    Base * var = new Derived(4, 4);

    //calling the destructor
    delete var;

Without a virtual destructor, the compiler will call the destructor of the mother class (Base). Therefore, the memory allowed for the second vector will be lost!!.

What about the constructor?

The constructor cannot be virtual, as it must know its exact type.

Type casting

In addition to the static_cast that convert type in compile time, we can use dynamic_cast with pointers to downcast pointers from a Base class to a Derived class.

Let’s revisit, the example of the Person/Student, where we add a method changeMajor to the Student class.

The starter code for this example is in Person2.zip

This method is not in the Person class, hence a pointer on Person cannot access the changeMajor method. For example the code will give an error:

    Person * P1 = new Student("Steve", 321, "Euromed", "CS", 4);

    P1->changeMajor("PH"); //error P1 no changeMajor

In order to solve this problem, we could use the dynamic_cast which have the following syntax:

newType = dynamic_cast<newType>(expression);

For our example, we need to convert a pointer Person* into student pointer Student*. Hence the syntax will be:

Student * P2 = dynamic_cast<Student*>(P1);

//Now we could use Student methods
P2->changeMajor("PH");   // Works perfectly


Abstract functions

Abstraction is one of the most essential and important feature of Object Oriented Programming. Abstraction means displaying only essential information and hiding the details.

For example, let’s consider the process of a man driving a car. The man only knows that pressing accelerators will increase the speed of the car and pressing the brakes will slows down the car. He does not know about the inner mecanism of the car.

We can apply this mecanism in C++ using inheritance and virtual method. First, we need to define the notion of an abstract method.

An abstract function is a method without implementation.

Why would someone uses an abstract method. It helps to decouble the implementation from the interface.

For example in the car analogy, we will have:

The method accelerate and break must be abstract as we don't know yet how to implement them.

In the following example, the methods acceelerate and break are abstract since their impplementation will be left to the Derived classses.

In C++, an abstract class must be virtual followed by =0 to declared that it doesn’t have an implementation yet.

class Car{
  virtual void accelerate() = 0;  // declare accelerate as abstract
  virtual void break ()  = 0;

Abstract class

A class that has one or more abstract method is called Abstract class.

  • An abstract class cannot be instantiaed.
Car C = new Car();     //Cannot do this!!!
  • The derived class must implement all the abstract methods.
  • If a derived class, did not implemented all the abstract functions, it will still abstract.

Let’s consider this example in code from Car Example.zip . Suppose the cose of the Car class is given as follow:

class Car

        int num_wheels;
        int speed;
    Car(int num_wheels);
    virtual  void accelerate() = 0;
    virtual void Break() = 0;

    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const Car &);
ostream & operator<<( ostream & out, const Car & C)
    out << "Car  [speed] : " <<   C.speed ;
    return out;

Car::Car(int num_wheels):num_wheels(num_wheels)

And suppose the code of the Mecanial Car is given as follow:

class Mecanical : public Car

    using Car::Car;

    void virtual accelerate()override; //implement the method accelarate

void Mecanical::accelerate()

    speed += 2;

The following code will give an error!!:

   //What should we fix in order to instantiate this class
   Car *C = new Mecanical(4);
   cout << *C << endl;


   cout << *C << endl;

What seems to be the problem?

Since the class Mecanical didn’t implemented the Break method which was abstract. The class itself is abstract. Hence it cannot be instantiated. We could fix the problem by implementing this method We could fix the problem by implementing this method.


An intersting question is:

Since an abstract class, cannot be instantiated. Why should we give it a Constructor?

The answer is Yes. We still use it to create the common parts that will be inherited from the derived classes.

Consider the example of the Car:

Car::Car(int num_wheels):num_wheels(num_wheels)

Even a Car, will never be instantiated. It is useful to have a base constructor which will instantiate the common parts (for our case the wheels).

That is for Abstraction, We will revisit this subject heavily in the next semester course!.