
The goal of this homework is to use you gained knowledge using the QPainter to complete the colliding mice example. The solution has already the correct code. You will be an incpemplete version with an text agent (simply showing the text). Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is the implement the

Mouse::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)

to draw the mouse.

Initial configuration

Download the initial project colliding.zip .

If you investigate the code of the Mouse class, you’ll find that that painter only draw a text instead of the form of the mouse.

Incomplete mouse example

Drawing the mouse

Now you should fill the method

void Mouse::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
    // Body (Construct the boy of the mouse)

    // Eyes 

    // Nose

    // Pupils

    // Ears

    // Tail ( You'll need Bezier curve for that)


The class QPainter offers a set of basic transformation like:

  • scale(sx, sy) to scale the catesian coordinates by sx and sy.
  • rotate(angle) to rotate axis by angle.
  • translate(dx, dy): to translate the axis by the vector (dx, dy)

To touch the power of those transformations try to produce the following image:

The same form produced with different rotation angles.

Try to apply a translation to have the center O in the cener of the widget

auto h = height();
auto w = width();
painter->translate(w/2, h/2);

//Draw your shapes now

For a second example, you should apply both rotation and scaling

Fibonacci Form using Rotation and Scaling

Fractral (revisit)

To check if you didn’t forget your knowledge about recurrence try to produce the following fractal.

Here is an illustration to show the recursive pattern: