Homework results
The deadline of the homework hsla Image is past due.
Congratulation to everyone of you who took the effort and time to learn and overcome their problems.
Here is a list (in order) for the best reports.
Aziz Oussama, Ilyas Kadi
Strong points:
- Deep investigation of the content.
- Extended Introduction.
- Github repository
- Good illustration such as:
Weak points:
- We would like to make the repository public for the others to read it.
Oussama Hidaoui, Mohammed Machrouh
Strong points
- Github repository with full documentation in readMe.md.
- Advanced syntax use in Markdown such as table of images.
- Dynamic table of contents with a links.
Weak points
- A more in depth introduction.
- A conclusion on the lab.
Wafa Harir, Khadija Fahem
Strong points:
- Use of the Githubpage
- Full documentation in the readMe.mf file.
- Diversity of experiences.
Weak Points
- Limited Introduction
- Absence of a Conclusion and table of contents.